Welcome to the dark world of W.D. Gagliani, author of "North Woods noirs" and other horror-thrillers...

STARLESS AND BIBLE BLACK: New story collection by David Benton & W.D. Gagliani, authors of Killer Lake, Mysteries & Mayhem, and Acolytes of the Dead. Eight very dark tales including "Thela Hun Ginjeet," "Mood Elevator," "Piper at the Gates," "At the Back of the Blue Bus," and other reprints, plus a new tale, "A Lad in the Storm." Available in paperback and on Kindle.
"Gagliani has cemented his place in werewolf legend with a muscular and smart series that deserves a much bigger audience..." --HorrorWorld
"Gagliani has created a tantalizing, fun new hero in Simon Pound that will entertain fans of thrillers, horror, adventure, and pure fun reading, yet he adds in a layer of deep mythology... Considering The Judas Hit a cross between the Bond film Spectre and Dan Brown's thrillers wouldn't be a bad description... (it's) a nonstop powerhouse of a supernatural action horror novel..."
--Cemetery Dance
"Stoker Award–finalist Gagliani's offbeat supernatural thriller boasts an audacious premise... Action fans looking for an out-there page-turner are in luck."
--Publishers Weekly BookLife
BUY SIGNED COPIES DIRECTLY FROM THE AUTHOR! I have a wide variety of paperbacks in stock: Original Leisure Wolf's Trap and Wolf's Bluff mass market paperback copies, Wolf's Gambit and Wolf's Bluff trade paperbacks from 47North, Wolf's Deal (novella) trade paperbacks, several Samhain trade paperbacks including Wolf's Edge and Wolf's Blind, The Judas Hit trade paperbacks, Killer Lake (Deadite Press) trade paperbacks by David Benton and W.D. Gagliani, plus trade paperback copies of the Blood Trail and Blood Vow Western novellas (by "Rex Masters") and Chaco's Gold Western novella by "Tom Ferris", as well as a large variety of anthology copies going back to Robert Bloch's PSYCHOS (several editions - please ask) and SNAFU: AN ANTHOLOGY OF MILITARY HORROR (paperback and hardcover), Malpractice, Zippered Flesh 2, Undead Tales, and many more. ALL CAN BE SIGNED AND PERSONALIZED. Special deals for multiple books, usually free media shipping. (Note: some, especially the Leisure Books editions, may display yellowing pages due to age, but all are otherwise NEW.) EMAIL ME FOR INFO, PRICES, AND DEALS.

Next up:
2013 Events
February 16, 2013
Barnes & Noble
Southland Center
2710 South Green Bay Rd
Racine, WI 53406
I will be participating in another multi-author signing event. More details to come, but (among others) I'll be joining my friend and collaborator David Benton and horror pal and fellow Leisure, Samhain, and 47North author John Everson at the Racine Barnes & Noble store. There will be other scribes, as well, plus a writer's workshop at 12:30, and my own appearance time will be 5:30 but I'll be hanging around a fair portion of the day. Plan to stop on by for signed copies of Wolf's Trap, Wolf's Edge, and A.G. Kent's I Was a Seventh Grade Monster Hunter! Hope to see you there...
June 2013
DucKon 22
Details coming!
September 2013
Killercon 5
Las Vegas, NV
Details coming!
2012 Events
October 20, 2012
6:00 PM
Barnes & Noble
Southland Center
2710 South Green Bay Rd
Racine, WI 53406
I'll be participating in a multi-author Halloween-themed event at the Barnes & Noble Bookstore in Racine, WI. I'll be there roughly from 3:00 to 8:00 PM, but my hour is 6:00 PM. I'll read from Wolf's Edge, A.G. Kent will read from I WAS A SEVENTH GRADE MONSTER HUNTER, and maybe I'll take questions about werewolves and other monsters. Stop on by to see us!
Next up:
Las Vegas, NV
September 19-23, 2012
Schedule details to follow!
New York City
July 11-14, 2012
I will be on a panel ("Does Sex Really Sell?") and autographing copies of Wolf's Edge and whatever else might be handy, as well as meeting and chatting with thriller heroes such as Jack Higgins, John Sandford, Lee Child, David Morrell, and many more! If you're near the Hyatt in Times Square, come on by to say hello and catch up with the writers whose job it is to thrill you.
(See the link below for full details and schedule.)
W.D. Gagliani and David Benton (together sometimes aka A.G. Kent) will be appearing at DucKon in St. Charles, Illinois, the weekend of June 1-3, 2012.
See full schedule under Events!
Did you see the Wolf's Edge cover on the Jumbotron in Times Square? Samhain Publishing's ad ran there every hour for about two months, ending in mid-April! How cool is that?
Remember that you can find me on Twitter at
@wdgagliani and on Facebook at
See you there!
Wolf's Edge is now available from Samhain Publishing, Amazon, and all online bookstores, and so is the trade paperback edition! Order your digital or old-schol paper copy today!
Also, check the events page for recent interviews, guest blog posts, and other promotional events related to last October's release of Wolf's Edge. The trade paperback edition was released January 4, 2012.
Listen to Lynnette Phillips' Blog Talk Radio interview with me conducted on October 10, 2011, centering on the Nick Lupo books and Wolf's Edge!
Listen to internet radio with Lynnette Phillips on Blog Talk Radio
Bram Stoker Award nominee Wolf's Trap reissued by Samhain Publishing with new cover. This is the first Nick Lupo thriller, first published in 2003. Samhain released it first as an ebook in March 2012, then in a trade paperback edition in August 2012...
The city is its own trap. The killer stalks its streets, eager for twisted revenge.
But Up North the trap is even more brutal. The stakes are higher. And the revenge can be sweeter...
Up North, a chill wind whips through the treetops.
Clouds race past the silver-white disk rising above the woods. Moonlight bathes the landscape in silver tints.
Somewhere in the woods, a creature howls. The sound is forlorn, tragic, full of sadness. But there's rage, too, rage at the moon and its influence.
Water laps at the pier supports up and down the chain of lakes. But people lock their doors and draw their shades. Whatever's out there, they don't want any part of it.
The wind ripples through the trees, bringing with it the smell of woodsmoke.
And fear.
WOLF'S EDGE is the 4th novel in the Wolf Cycle, featuring Nick Lupo...
From the back cover:
Can one werewolf stop a pack of super-wolves?
Nick Lupo is a homicide cop with a difference. He’s a werewolf. He’s worked hard to control his condition, but it isn’t easy to contain the beast inside him. It also means he has some very powerful enemies. Wolfpaw Security Services is a mercenary organization that wants Lupo dead. They want to infiltrate the US military with their own werewolves and they can’t let anyone—especially a fellow-werewolf like Lupo—stand in their way.
Wolfpaw’s genetic experiments have created a “super-wolf” nearly invulnerable to silver, and soon their ranks will be filled with these invincible warriors. Can one wolf—even a fierce beast like Lupo—face the fangs and claws of a pack of these killers and hope to survive?